to embody imagination

Whatever you are celebrating, noticing, and paying attention to:

May it be wonderful, restful, connected, and true.

Linda Stonerock — one of the first to come dance with me, back when I began teaching The Anatomy of Improvisation in 2003 --  recently sent this email to me:

“These missives are the dance of the mind and spirit dancing together, gliding onto words to carry them out into the wider world
to somehow become breath
to somehow embody imagination
to find the air
the window
the floor
each other.”

With that, your dance missive today is this:

At some point in the day, pause.

Notice your breath, your body, your feet on the earth, your eyes to the sky.

See where this noticing takes you, in your dancing and your being, and follow it, fully.

I’m going to do just that, right after I press send — dance a little bit this Christmas morning -- before anyone else in the house wakes up. 

Later on we’ll head to town for Chinese food and a movie, and I imagine I will remember the dancing.

Wishing you and your loved ones all there is to wish.
